![south baltimore](http://opexfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/south-baltimore-e1461366251129.jpg)
Years back anyone could get into fitness. You just put a sign on your door and people would flock to it. You didn’t need to know why or what you were doing because the clients really didn’t know either.
But then time ticks by and questions start getting asked…
“How is that business of yours?” “Business you say? What business?”
And time continues to go on…2-3 years pass and more questions come…
“How is your client retention?” “Retention rates? Should we measure that?”
Time slips by some more…Months and months pass. Each month you get new questions…
“What is your lifecycle for your client and coaches? Do you have trainers or coaches? Are they full or part time? “Lifecycle?” “Coaches? Management? All that is for corporations!”
Time slips by…
You come up for air and recognize that the idea and effort was backed with enthusiasm and excitement but it was not backed by logic, competency in the profession, or business mechanics. It seems that a large percentage of coaches are at this Exact SAME place right now.
Offer towel service. Offer yoga classes. Offer supplements. Offer something damn it – “we need cash and time to keep this thing rolling!”
The time has come. Time is up. Time to change the game…
How can YOU change the game?
- 1st – you have to play by the rules. By doing this like many other coaches, you get to know how to “play” within the current coaching model and you know what is right and wrong with it. The goal is to optimize the performance of the business and the market you serve. Done!
- 2nd – you have to set the rules. By doing this you gain a little advantage because you learn how things work when you are at the helm. You can make changes and upgrades because you are in command of your business.
- 3rd – YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE PURPOSE OR VALUE of the game. This is where it hits a lot of people hard. The purpose has to be where each client has a life cycle. They each get a personalized program and they all mean something to the system. That is TRUE caring. CARING comes in multiple ways:
- 15 min here and there for a consult check in
- Communication when you’re NOT in the gym
- Monthly updates on training so that you can recognize the changes that are needed.
- That is caring.
- 4th – now you get to change the game. You create an entirely new game because you have taken the steps to understand the model, you have made changes to the model so that you could understand what did and did not work, you changed the value of the service that you were offering, and then you took steps to scale your system into a long term winning model for you, your coaches, and your clients.
Fitness that is presented by the excited new coach is NOT the only way. There are many ways to SUCCEED in fitness. Just ask yourself these questions?
“Is the game that you’ve been playing fulfilling? Does it have long term success built into it? And does that success travel beyond you personally and go to the client?”
Maybe what you know in fitness is NOT the only way. Maybe there is a better way? OPEX is ready for the change. We strengthen coaches and business owners with competency in communication, training programs and business practices through the OPEX CCP Education.
Our message has been the same all along. Solid principles as a professional coach is what WINS in the long run. That is success.
We now receive stories DAILY of people changing their games. Why did they change their game? Because they came up for air, looked around and said “this has to change or we will never improve our service, our results, or our future!”
It’s not too late, get on board with us and change the face of fitness.
Check out one of our recent CCP Coaches at South Baltimore Strength & Conditioning changing the landscape of fitness through the OPEX model!
Interested in signing up for CCP? Learn more here!